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Ningbo Pacific Packing Band Co.,Ltd
Tel: 0574-63569007
Fax: 0574-63569569
Mobile: 13906747103
Address: No.98,Zhenhai Road,Fuhai Town,Cixi,Zhejiang

Packing belt classification

Release time: 2015-06-27 16:22:12    Clicks:8761

The main material of the packing belt is polypropylene brushed grade resin, because of its good plasticity, strong tensile strength, bending resistance, light weight, easy to use, etc., is processed, it is a kind of polypropylene, Into the binding belt, has been widely used in various fields. Said polypropylene, polypropylene grades have a lot, packaged with the production (the best effect) is the use of grade T30S polypropylene raw materials. Packed with the appearance: translucent to opaque, texture transparent film. Flammable: Flammable in flames. Leave the flame slowly after the extinguishment or continue to burn. Burning the top of the flame was yellow, the bottom was blue; a melting, dripping phenomenon. Can smell the smell of paraffin.
Packed belt features:
1, polypropylene (PP) as the main raw material, material: polypropylene drawing grade resin, because of its good plasticity, strong tensile strength, bending fatigue, small density, good tensile impact, easy to use, etc., A wide range of roles in the field;
2, applicable to all walks of life with a variety of packing machine (semi - automatic, automatic, hand - packer);
3, strong sticky force, pull large, light weight, corrosion-resistant, beautiful appearance, high-grade;
4, bright color, yellow and white ink and other colors, any choice;
5, according to customer requirements and samples, production printing, printed icons and other special packing belt
Packing belt classification:
1. Production of packaged polypropylene raw materials for the transparent particles, so the packing belt can be classified as:
① transparent packing belt;
② translucent packing belt;
③ color packing belt;
2. According to the production of packaged with the proportion of polypropylene ingredients to use, packing belt can be divided into:
① new pure material packing belt;
② pure material (recycled material) packing belt;
③ ordinary sandwich packing belt;
3. According to the use of the use can be divided into:
① automatic packing belt;
② semi-automatic packing belt;
③ hand with the packing belt;
④ flexible packing belt;
4. According to the machine used is divided into:
① machine packing belt;
② hand with packing belt
Use of the packing belt:
For carton packing, with automatic baler use.
Packed with the type of color:
White, red, yellow, blue, black and other colors.
Packing tape material:
Polypropylene brushed grade resin, because of its good plasticity, strong tensile strength, bending fatigue resistance, low density, good tensile impact, easy to use, etc., is now widely used in various fields.
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