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Ningbo Pacific Packing Band Co.,Ltd
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Address: No.98,Zhenhai Road,Fuhai Town,Cixi,Zhejiang

Zhenzhu Mian low carbon environmental protection packaging products

Release time: 2020-09-18 17:34:12    Clicks:7255

Zhenzhu cotton as a new plastic packaging raw materials, more and more widely used. Zizhuo cotton is a non-chemical crosslinked omentum sac structure, which is composed of low-pressure polyethylene (LDPE) lubricated oils. LDPE is foamed by butane, polyurethane, and added with anti-glycerides to create many individual bubbles. Zhenzhenglian has the advantages of waterproof, waterproof, seismic, sound insulation and noise reduction, heat insulation, good plastic deformation, strong ductility, recycling, environmental protection, impact resistance and so on. Zhenzhu cotton also has excellent acid resistance. Zhenzhu cotton is an ideal substitute for traditional packaged goods. Zhenzhu cotton is also widely used, the key for electronic and electrical, instrument equipment, medical machinery, industrial production chassis, home accessories, wine gift box packaging, hardware products, daily necessities and other commodities packaging. Zhenzhenglian is also widely used in handbags and malleable lining of handbags, industrial production of sound insulation and noise reduction, thermal insulation materials, agricultural and animal husbandry thermal insulation materials, aquatic products aquaculture floating machinery and equipment, fitness sports safety protective pads, water conservancy and life saving equipment, etc.

Characteristics of Zhenzhu Mian:

1. Zhenzhu Mian has strong environmental protection and good shock mitigation force. Zhenzhu Mian is made of polybutadiene as raw material.

2. Zhenzhu Mian has the characteristics of waterproof, low surface water absorption, all good anti-seepage performance, and has a separate air structure.

3. Zhenzhu Mian also has antistatic performance, because Zhenzhu Mian has low electrical conductivity, so it is easy to cause its own induction power status in friction, and it is not easy to cause harm to general goods.

4, Zhenzhu cotton aging resistance, corrosion performance.

5. Zhenzhu Mian has good crashworthiness and can reasonably maintain goods.

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