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Ningbo Pacific Packing Band Co.,Ltd
Tel: 0574-63569007
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Mobile: 13906747103
Address: No.98,Zhenhai Road,Fuhai Town,Cixi,Zhejiang

What are the factors that determine the price of the package?

Release time: 2015-07-13 16:45:29    Clicks:6358

First, the type of packing belt
Packing belt is divided into many kinds, under normal circumstances, if you are using the PP packing belt, it depends on what you use the baler to distinguish you use what package with, for example, automatic balers also use fully automatic Packing belt, semi-automatic baler using semi-automatic packing belt, of course, lightweight packing belt with automatic and semi-automatic balers can be used. This will be based on the user's actual situation to set.
Second, packing with parameters
In general, we will ask customers what kind of packaging specifications, as long as you know the specifications can understand what to use, the different specifications of the packaging belt can also determine the packing price.
Third, packing belt with gravitational force
Packing belt with different load, the use of the packing belt is also different, for example, hand-packaged with only about 30 kg of goods, and semi-automatic packing belt can only bear about 60 kg of items, automatic packing belt is more important , 100 kg or less can bear.
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