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Ningbo Pacific Packing Band Co.,Ltd
Tel: 0574-63569007
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Address: No.98,Zhenhai Road,Fuhai Town,Cixi,Zhejiang

Discussion on the Fusion Problem of Metal Packing Belt

Release time: 2016-04-12 17:04:17    Clicks:6316

In the daily operation of the metal packing belt, there may be some problems, such as excessive packing or fusion of the metal packing belt break, when these problems when we should do? Today for you a simple analysis of the reasons for this situation and the solution.
First, the metal packing belt is broken during the fusion process
Failure reasons: 1. Packing belt thickness is not enough; 2. Fusion time is not long; 3. Friction fused part of the cooling time is too short;
Solution: 1. Use the correct specifications of the packer to pack the belt, or adjust the packer according to the specifications of the metal packing belt; 2. Shorten the fusing time as needed; 3. After welding for 3 seconds, the packer can not Pack the tape away.
Second, the packing tape is not complete or not fused
Solution: 1. Press and hold the reverse valve to release the tension of the metal belt; 2. Hold the tensioner operation, is the tensioner and exhaust valve convergence, and then open the valve.
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