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How to properly use the packing belt to pack the carton

Release time: 2015-09-03 16:51:46    Clicks:6041

How to properly use the packing belt to pack the carton? We have made a summary of this, how to use the packaging belt for carton packaging, should consider the following elements:
1, first of all to measure the weight of packaged cartons, different weights will use a different pull of the packing belt, packing with the price is also different.
2, for the carton packing belt specifications, that is dedicated to the carton packing belt width and thickness. If you are using a universal packaging belt can be directly purchased, if there is a special package with specifications, you need to order a special.
If you need to be able to pack the belt can be, then you can use the universal packing belt, if you need and your carton can reflect the same corporate culture, promote corporate image, that is, the product Packaging has a high demand, then you can also customize the packing belt.
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