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Ningbo Pacific Packing Band Co.,Ltd
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Address: No.98,Zhenhai Road,Fuhai Town,Cixi,Zhejiang

What are the additives used to pack the tape?

Release time: 2017-05-23 17:17:10    Clicks:6079

What are the additives used in the packing belt?
In general, the use of plastic components packaged with the additive is more common. Plastic additives are indispensable raw materials in plastic products, the main additives are heat and light stabilizers, antioxidants, antistatic additives, lubricants, flame retardants, plasticizers and impact modifiers. In addition to these additives, it includes special additives, including anti-caking and anti-fogging agents, foaming agents, antimicrobial agents, clarifying and nucleating agents. These additives not only improve the process performance of the polymer, Improve processing conditions, improve processing efficiency, but also can improve the performance of packing belt, improve its use value, extend the service life of plastic products.
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