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Ningbo Pacific Packing Band Co.,Ltd
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The process of packing the tape

Release time: 2016-07-04 17:06:09    Clicks:5805

Today for everyone to introduce a brief package of metal packaging with the process, we hope to help.
1, in the use of metal packing tape when all the boxes are marked on the label. Fragile items marked "vulnerable items"
2, the first loaded heavy objects. The weight of the separate equipment, so that each box will not be too heavy, such as loading books.
3, in the packaging must be marked when the characteristics of the product, such as moisture, fragile and other characteristics, covered with plastic cloth to dust, moisture.
4, put a plate, do not put flat. Cover the mirror, glass frame, or artwork with protective tape or foam packaging material. During the course of transportation, the handling company may not be liable for the loss of the packaged items.
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