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Machine packing belt and hand with a package with what is the difference

Release time: 2016-08-27 17:08:03    Clicks:5760

Some users have just come into contact with the packing belt, the machine with a packaged belt and hand with the concept of packing belt is very vague, then how to distinguish between the machine with a packaged belt and hand with it? Today for everyone to introduce a brief.
1, the difference between raw materials, machine packaging belt is basically based on PP as raw materials or PET resin with polyester, machine with a general package on the hardness and vertical requirements are relatively high, and hand with the main belt with PP raw materials with some Recycled material made of mixed, the appearance of the color is not machine with a bright package, the relative machine with a slightly cheaper price.
2, under normal circumstances, the hand is generally no paper, and machine with a certain belt with a paper (paper is to trap the packer drum, in the packing operations from the fixed role)
3, the texture, the hand with the package with the machine with a slightly thicker package, the general thickness of 0.7-0.8mm, hardness and vertical are slightly worse, if used in the packer, prone to cassette and other phenomena, in fact, hand With the packing belt can also be used in the baler, but the hand with a packaged belt and machine with packing tape quality and production process is different, easier to wear machine.
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