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Ningbo Pacific Packing Band Co.,Ltd
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Address: No.98,Zhenhai Road,Fuhai Town,Cixi,Zhejiang

What should you pay attention to when packing the belt?

Release time: 2017-05-23 17:07:25    Clicks:5604

Today for everyone to introduce the use of packaged with a brief note, I hope to help everyone.
1, according to the width of the roll to adjust the identity of the reel baffle, so that the pipe processing, straight seam steel pipe, seamless steel pipe roll width can not be too large can not be too small, too large in the unwinding volume is easy, So that when the double cylinder is easy to stuck. Pipe plus packing steel belt, straight seam steel pipe, seamless steel pipe as usual to the width of the reel is about 1.5 times with a roll width Yin good;
2, in the straight seam steel pipe roll on the reel should be wrapped with a baffle;
3, straight seam steel tube with the volume of the circle should be hanging on the reel;
4, adjust the drum brake shoe, can not be too loose. Bending steel pipe processing, straight seam steel pipe, seamless steel pipe can not afford to brake ceramic dyeing, when the straight seam steel pipe after the demolition of high speed abruptly or stop, likely to cause scattered volume.
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