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Different galvanized methods for metal packing tape influences

Release time: 2017-05-23 17:15:32    Clicks:5605

Metal packing belt, also known as galvanized packing belt, today for everyone to simply introduce a variety of different ways to galvanize the impact of the package belt.
1. Hot-dip galvanized packing tape is produced by hot-dip galvanizing line. It is continuous annealing and continuous hot-dip zinc solution. The steel plate is heated and cooled in short time, so its stamping performance is worse than that of cold-rolling plate.
2. Electro-galvanized packing tape has the same stamping process performance as the cold-rolled original plate because it is not affected by the temperature such as heating and cooling in the electroplating process. Its galvanized layer, did not produce fragile iron - zinc alloy layer, galvanized layer of good ductility, but because of its surface pores, low strength, easy to scratch, vulnerable to dry paint and other pollution.
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